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Welcome and thanks for checking out our church.

This fall, please join us as we work through

the Book of the Acts of the Apostles.  

Written by Luke, he continues to teach about Jesus' followers as they receive the power of the Holy Spirit and are tasked with spreading word of God's kingdom to the world.  

We hope you'll join us! 

In Person or Online at 10:00 am





parish lighthouse

A parish is a small, geographic area, and a lighthouse is just really bright!  So the parish lighthouse initiative is an intentional lifestyle of every follower of Jesus shining brightly on their street, and in their neighbourhood. Jesus has placed us into our specific communities, and we want to shine like a city on a hill where we live, but we need to be intentional because life get's really busy, really fast, and we can find ourselves years in our neighbourhoods and not knowing more than the names of our neighbours.  So we're encouraging you to be intentional in eating together, listening to stories of your neighbours and celebrating and blessing them as you grow to know them.  We gather as believers every 6 weeks in our neighbourhood groups to eat and fellowship together too, so contact us to find out who is leading your neighbourhood parish lighthouse initiative.  

REconciliation is at the heart of the gospel

We as Jesus followers acknowledge that our church home is located in the customary and traditional lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinaabe and the Attiwanderonk.  As Canadians we have a terrible secret that is not so secret anymore that we have to both acknowledge and work towards reconciliation with our Indigenous sisters and brothers. As Christians we acknowledge the part the church played in the physical and spiritual abuse of both adults and children and the evil we perpetrated towards our fellow image bearers of God. While we can't change the past, we can play our part in seeking forgiveness, reconciliation and learning how to be the living hands and feet of Jesus to those still suffering from the abuses of both church and government across Canada.  

  • The Great Commandment

    Jesus takes the entire Old Testament and sums it up in two commands; to love God with all we are, and to show that love for God through loving our neighbours and enemies. So as a church we spend time worshiping God together, praying, listening and learning from His word together to praise and honour Him.  We also personally and corporately serve our neighbourhoods and city to show the tangible love of Jesus through our lives. 

  • The Great Commission

    Since Jesus calls us to love God with all we are, we choose to live in obedience to His word.  Jesus commissions us to share the hope we have in Jesus with everyone as we go about our daily lives, so in obedience we speak about and live out the hope we have in Jesus.  As part of truly loving our neighbours we also want them to experience the joy, comfort and hope that comes with faith in Jesus, so we daily live out His great commission for our lives.

  • A Great community

    We practice the great commandment and live out the great commission in community, as Jesus calls us into community when we come to faith.  We are part of His kingdom and part of His family, so we're in this together. So we love our church community and disciple each other.  We love our local communities and love them in tangible ways as we disciple them about Jesus. Lastly we are part of a global community so we practice loving our global neighbours through sustainable initiatives, aid projects and relief efforts, while also sending missionaries to share the hope of Jesus with them.