Thank you for your faithfulness

As Christians we're called to generosity and faithful support of our local church ministries, and we're blessed at CCC to have such faithfully generous people.  We literally could not accomplish all we do as a church with out the gifts of time, talent and treasure.  So thank you!  We offer pre-authorized giving and e-transfer so email '' for e-transfers or questions about pre-authorized. In house we have our Joy box for those who like to use envelopes.

Click on the button below to Donate via PayPal.

CCC allocates donations to approved programs and projects, with funds designated for a specific purpose utilized accordingly. Surplus funds from fulfilled programs or projects are allocated to areas of greatest need. Donations intended for purposes outside approved programs or projects necessitate prior Board approval. Unapproved donations may be refunded or redirected by CCC with the donor's consent if deemed unfeasible upon review by the Board.

Where do the offerings go?

local missions

Individuals within our church support a myriad of different non-profits throughout our city, but as a local church we directly support the Food Bank, the Dawn Center, Youth Unlimited, the Bridges shelter, Night Light, Big Brothers and Sisters ESL camp and Dismas. 

Global missions

Our church supports two full time missionary families in Chad(AIM) and Japan(WEC). We also budget for those wishing to serve in short term missions.

brick and stone

We do own a building, which is a blessing in a thousand ways, and a burden is some others. We get to have our own space to hold services, studies, youth nights, senior's coffee, camps, mom's groups and fitness classes.....but we also get to pay for it's upkeep and utility bills. It's normal stuff if you own a building, and as of 2023 we are mortgage free, so we praise God for that!


We are blessed to have 3 staff at C3, with one full-time pastor and two part-time staff.  Check the staffing page for more info on who they are and what they are all about.